Directions: Gather a small group of preschoolers or toddlers together (nieces, your kids, grandchildren, etc). 1. You are teaching a health education class to a group of preschoolers. Write a health p2022-05-26 Answers

Directions: Gather a small group of preschoolers or toddlers together (nieces, your kids, grandchildren, etc).1. You are teaching a health education class to a group of preschoolers. Write a health promotion song, while using the tune of a popular nursery song or other popular song; for example, Safety the Snowman (to the tune of Frosty the Snowman).2. Describe how props and gestures could be used to enhance the meaning of the song (e.g., bicycle helmets, street signs, etc.).3. Discuss how you think the children learned the information.

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