For each of the assignments in the course, you will be grouped in 2-3 (depending on class size). Each member will have a specific role as follows: fact finding/data collection analysis/collecting key2022-06-18 Answers

For each of the assignments in the course, you will be grouped in 2-3 (depending on class size). Each member will have a specific role as follows:fact finding/data collection analysis/collecting key points write/presentation and /document the milestonesIn assignment #5 you created a physical model of your business scenario as follows:Business data ModelSecurity rules, practices, and proceduresSecurity mechanismsUsers, applications, and user interfacePlatform and network infrastructureControl structure executionAssignment Instructions:In this the Module 6 assignment, you will create the Component Architecture (Technician’s/Tradesman’s View) of your business scenario.When the constructor/builder plans the construction process, s/he needs to assemble a team of experts in each of the building trades that will be needed: the bricklayer, the plasterer, the electrician, the plumber, the carpenter, and so on. Each one of these experts brings some very specific production skills and some very specific products to the overall construction process.Apply the same methodology in the construction of information systems. The builder needs to assemble and install a series of products from specialist vendors, and a team with the integration skills to join these products together during an implementation of the design.Each of the installers and integrators is the equivalent of a technician/tradesman, working with specialist products and system components that are the equivalent of building materials and components. Some of these ‘trades’ are hardware-related, some are software-related, and some are service oriented. The ‘tradesmen/technicians’ work with a series of components that are hardware items, software items, and interface specifications and standards. Hence this layer of the architectural model is also called the component security architecture.Deliverables:Create a Component Architecture as follows:Detailed data structures (ICT components such as ICT products, including data repositories and processors etc.)Security standards (The risk management-related tools and products such as risk analysis tools, risk registers, risk monitoring and reporting tools.)Security products and tools (Process tools and standards – tools and protocols for process delivery – both hardware and software).Identities, functions, actions, and ACLs (Personnel management tools and products – identities, job descriptions, roles, functions, actions and access control lists).Processes, nodes, addresses and protocols (Locator tools and standards – nodes, addresses, and other locators).Security step timing and sequencing (Step timings and sequencing tools – time schedules, clocks, timers, and interrupts).The assignment should be submitted as one Word document, in APA format. Make sure you include a cover/title page, a reference page, and review the rubric for additional grading details. Only one student per group will submit the assignment within Blackboard.

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