For our class discussion this week, imagine that you work for a non-profit organization that offers grants to innovative projects that will help promote sustainable agriculture around the world. You h2022-06-16 Answers

For our class discussion this week, imagine that you work for a non-profit organization that offers grants to innovative projects that will help promote sustainable agriculture around the world. You have a limited amount of money to donate to worthy projects. Will you direct your organization’s funds:  1) toward projects that focus on organic farming methods; 2) toward ones that support technological advances in conventional agriculture; or 3) toward ones that support the use of biotechnology (genetic modification) in agriculture?To get you started on making a sound decision, here are some resources. First, please read over these USDA factsheets on high-tech conventional farming, biotech farming, and organic farming.  Here are three further resources, making a case for each of these:High-tech conventional agricultureBiotech agricultureOrganic agriculture:300 wordsNo APA Format Citations and references required 

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