I Need Help in Demonstrate an analytic and writing skills by offering a thorough and rigorous review of the book City of Inmates, by Kelly Lytle Hernndez. The goal of a book review is not to summarize the content of the book, but to synthesize and extract main points, trace the means through which the author makes their argument, and offer your own critical analysis and appraisal of the book.2022-05-18 10:39:55

Demonstrate an analytic and writing skills by offering a thorough and rigorous review of the book City of Inmates, by Kelly Lytle Hernndez. The goal of a book review is not to summarize the content of the book, but to synthesize and extract main points, trace the means through which the author makes their argument, and offer your own critical analysis and appraisal of the book. Is this a strong piece of academic work? Would you recommend this book? From your perspective, does it make a valuable contribution?

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