I Need Help in Discuss how well the assessments and treatment presented fits the intervention model described for this problem.2022-05-25 08:59:15

Describe the CBT treatment outlined for the selected problems. Discuss how well the assessments and treatment presented fits the intervention model described for this problem. Critically evaluate the workbook or self-help book for its utility for facilitating change, sensitivity, and applicability to culturally diverse populations. Follow American Psychological Association (7th ed.) guidelines for formatting. See this article on self-help books: Redding, R. E., Herbert, J. D., Forman, E. M., & Guadiano, B. A. (2008). Popular self-help books for anxiety, depression and trauma: How scientifically grounded and useful are they? Professional Psychology, Research and Practice, 39(5) 537–545. This article reviews the literature on self-help books for psychological disorders and provides a framework for you to consider when completing the CBT workbook review.

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