Child Maltreatment in Context


Assignment 3 – Early Childhood Development- Child Maltreatment in Context

Instructions: This assignment includes selected topic(s) of interest based on your readings about early childhood development.  Please complete each one carefully and completely.  Save this document and upload it to the instructor via the online classroom.

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Part A

Early Childhood: Biosocial Development

Child Maltreatment in Context

The following questions are designed to help you think about the significance of social context in relation to the prevalence of child abuse in the United States.

  1. The most severe consequence of child abuse is obviously death. Because of the mass media’s attention to these cases members of the victims’ and perpetrators’ families have been offered “financial reward” for telling their stories.  Does the media attention contribute to or help deter child maltreatment?  Explain your answer.



  1. In what ways does this context of violence in the United States promote child maltreatment?



  1. Have your ever encountered a situation in which you suspected a child was the victim of abuse or neglect? What did you do, and why?  If you have not encountered such a situation, if you did, what would you do?



  1. If it were in your power to completely shape the social context in which a child grew up, what steps would you take to help ensure that he or she would be protected from maltreatment?





Part B

Early Childhood: Psychosocial Development

Parenting Styles:  Do You Have a Choice?

Imagine that you are the parent of a preschooler who misbehaves in perfectly normal ways.  For each of the following misbehaviors, tell how you feel and what you say and do.

  1. The table is set for breakfast. Your child spills a half-gallon of milk all over the table.

How do you feel?

What do you say and/or do?

  1. Your little girl is dressed up to attend an important holiday function or religious service. Before you leave she falls, dirties her dress, and tears her tights.

How do you feel?

What do you say and/or do?

  1. Your 3-year-old son is playing at the kitchen table while you are talking on the phone. Before you notice what he is doing, he has used up a whole package of construction paper and has made crayon marks on the plastic tablecloth.

How do you feel?

What do you say and/or do?

  1. Your 5-year-old knocks over a display of glassware in the department store, breaking three glasses.

How do you feel?

What do you say and/or do?

  1. After you have written your responses, reread each question, imagining now that you are a parent with three children and you have very little money. For example, suppose you have an income of no more than $500 a month after you pay your rent:  Your gas and electricity, food, clothing, and any extras must come from this sum.

Do your responses change?

If so, how and why?

*Summary:  What do you think is the purpose of this assignment?  How can emotions, words, and behavior affect the psychosocial development of a child?