Research and identify three (3) large scale hacks or violations of Internet security that have occurred over the past five years. For each of the hacks, identify the suspected hacker or hacker group,2022-06-24 Answers

Research and identify three (3) large scale hacks or violations of Internet security that have occurred over the past five years. For each of the hacks, identify the suspected hacker or hacker group, what the hack consisted of, what the hackers wanted, and how the hacked entity was able to fend off the attack, or how the entity resolved the hack if it was successful.Compare and contrast each of these and write a proposal for an information security review for The New York Times newspaper. This review should include the potential threats, ease of access to reporters and staff accounts, and so on. You should also identify the top three threats to the newspaper in your review.Your APA-formatted report should be a minimum of 6-8-pages, and include a minimum of 6 peer-reviewed or academic resources.

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