1. Discuss the locations of the lymph nodes and the contribution the lymphatic system makes to the immune system. 2. Discuss the functions of the spleen and what happens to the body when the spleen is injured or removed.

Lymphatic System Discussion
Forum Instructions
Each student must post (1) substantial initial post with a minimum of 280 words by
12/17/2020. All posts and replies must contain at least (2) professional references,
one may be the course textbook, properly cited in the current APA format. Late
discussion posts are not accepted in this course.
The student must also reply to at least (2) classmates using a minimum of 100
words per reply by 12/18/2020 All replies in the discussion forum should enhance the
discussion. Non-informative messages posted in the discussion forum will not be
counted towards the required number of replies for that topic.
Discussion Topic
1. Discuss the locations of the lymph nodes and the contribution the lymphatic
system makes to the immune system.
2. Discuss the functions of the spleen and what happens to the body when the
spleen is injured or removed.
3. Discuss the three elements that are necessary for efficient venous return.
Use the following resources + other professional sources if needed:

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