1-Identify three job opportunities in that region (such as United Arab Emirates, Indonesia, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Morocco, etc.) RELATED to your major (briefly describe each one with salaries, benefits, and responsibilities) – The job must be current listing or within the past 12 months)

Your very dear friend just got a job in ….. (A MUSLIM COUNTRY OF YOUR CHOICE). He/She wants you to come visit and potentially seek a job in the region because there are many job opportunities for Americans companies conducting business there. You are unsure about the idea but since you have a break at Cal State or graduating soon and have some time off, you decided to go visit for two weeks. Prior to visiting, you did some research and found some short tourism / news / business clips about YOUR COUNTRY OF CHOICE in addition to some job opportunities:

Write a short (approximately 1,200 words) exploration AND reflection answering the following:

EXPLORATION (600 words)

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1-Identify three job opportunities in that region (such as United Arab Emirates, Indonesia, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Morocco, etc.) RELATED to your major (briefly describe each one with salaries, benefits, and responsibilities) – The job must be current listing or within the past 12 months) (200-300 words)

2-Identify three touristic sites you would like to visit in the country above and why you chose them ahead of other sites (300-400 words)

(Please add the links from the websites you found, however, don’t count linked addresses as part of your word expectation)

REFLECTION (600 words)

1-Write three considerations that make you want to accept a job there (300 words)

2-Write three considerations that make you want to turn down a job there (300 words)

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