(1) List at least six tips for communicating effectively with people who have disabilities. (2) Describe the three phases of conceptualization that children experience as they mature. (3) Desc2022-05-21 13:24:32GraduateWriterhelp.com Answers

(1)List at least six tips for communicating effectively with people who have disabilities.(2)Describe the three phases of conceptualization that children experience as they mature.(3)Describe three risks involved when caregivers are culturally different from the people they serve. In your opinion, how can these risks best be minimized?(4)How can an emphasis on prevention lead to prejudice against ill people?(5)Describe the principles of the theory of health as expanded consciousness. What is the role of the explicate order? The implicate order? From this perspective, what role should nurses and other caregivers play in helping people affected by health concerns?(6)Describe the idea of yin, yang, and Qi and how they influence traditional Chinese ideas about health and health care.(7)Describe three factors that contribute to the popularity of holistic medicine. Next, describe at least three advantages and three disadvantages of holistic medicine.

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