1. Please go to the website attached and take the Project Implicit test. a. Select the Project Implicit Social Attitudes link. b. Read through the information here and select I wish to proceed at the2022-06-24 10:45:54GraduateWriterhelp.com Answers

1. Please go to the website attached and take the Project Implicit test.a. Select the Project Implicit Social Attitudes link.b. Read through the information here and select I wish to proceed at the bottom of the page (keep in mind that the information they want to gather from you is optional and you do not have to give any information about yourself to see the results)c. Scroll down and select the Race IAT linkd. Read through the information and select Continuee. On this page, you can either answer the Questions in the Questionnaire or select Decline on each questionf. You can then answer the Demographic questions or select Decline to Answer for each questiong. After going through the Demographic questions, you will see the instructions for the Project Implicit test. Follow these instructions and complete the test. At the end of the test, you will see your results.Consider the Project Implicit test that you took and what you learned this week about validity and reliability. Do you think that the Project Implicit test is valid? Is the Project Implicit test really exploring your implicit bias or do you think the test has limitations? What about the method they use of clicking letters on the keyboard to determine internal bias? What type of measurement error could emerge through the method used in the Project Implicit test?3. Do you believe that the Project Implicit test is reliable? Would you likely get the same results if you took the Project Implicit test 10 times in a row?4. How would we test the validity or reliability of the Project Implicit test? How could we improve the Project Implicit test to be more valid or reliable?5. Now, think about other surveys, quizzes, or tests that you have taken in the past. For example, a survey about your political views. Was that survey valid? Did that survey explore the actual topic of the survey? Was this survey reliable? What is the importance of having a reliable and valid measurement?

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