(1)Prior to 2012, beginning with the 1979 opening of its economy, China experienced (a) several very positive results, but also (b) several negative results and criticisms; Please identify and briefly explain (a) positive and (b) negative results.  

Read the case I uploaded and answer the following two questions:

(1)Prior to 2012, beginning with the 1979 opening of its economy, China experienced (a) several very positive results, but also (b) several negative results and criticisms; Please identify and briefly explain (a) positive and (b) negative results.

(2)Please briefly explain the strengths/advantages of the XiYong Industrial Park.

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Double-spaced, bullet-point, outline format

Maximum one (1) page per  question (so maximum 2 pages in total)

Focus on “answering the questions” (repeat questions in response) 

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