2) Thermodynamic background / theory.  explain the equations that are applied 3) What is measured.  Describe the actual measurement, or what should be measured (if you are describing a method). 

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1-Briefly introduce the topic of the paper.  What is it, and why is it important?

2) Thermodynamic background / theory.  explain the equations that are applied

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3) What is measured.  Describe the actual measurement, or what should be measured (if you are describing a method).

4) Comparison to data.  Either show how the thermodynamic principles introduced above have been compared to data, or discuss how they could be.  Make sure it is clear what thermodynamic information is determined.

5) Reflection.  Discuss the limitations in the cases the model can capture, the reasons for any deviations or limitations.  Are there ways that the model could be improved?

6) References. Provide references cited.  The primary source should be peer‐reviewed, and other journal articles or books can be used for support.  Provide the authors, article title, journal, volume, pages (or article number), and year, in a consistent citation format.  Non‐peer reviewed sources that have no author attribution (such as Wikipedia) are much less valuable sources of information.

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