address the capacity of coral macroalgal difficulties to recover and the importance to marine life. The effect of temperature, carbon dioxide and benthic algae has on the algo community ecological process.

Please submit your detailed outline (2-3 pages + full-text PDF of each of the 10 articles in the references) here follow these instructions:

  1. The outline must have all major sections of the paper and sub topics for each section. See the following link. How to prepare detailed outline.pdfActions
  2. Each statement needs to have a citation. You must include and cite at least 10 peer-reviewed articles, 7 of which must be primary literature. References must be properly formatted: Citing References in Scientific Papers.docx Actions Recommended: use reference manager software to handle your citations. There are free services such as Mendeley (Links to an external site.).
  3. Please use this Sample outline.pdfActions to help guide you on what your outline should look like.
  4. Must include 10 full-text PDF of the cited peer-review articles.

Topic The topic I’ve chosen is the “climate change coral reefs algae”. I’m going to address the capacity of coral macroalgal difficulties to recover and the importance to marine life. The effect of temperature, carbon dioxide and benthic algae has on the algo community ecological process. And the negative and positive ways humans are contributing to this fact.

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