After reading chapter 6 and viewing this week’s video lecture, respond to the following questions in accordance to the criteria below. How has the internet grown and changed since its commercial de2022-06-25 Answers

After reading chapter 6 and viewing this week’s video lecture, respond to the following questions in accordance to the criteria below. How has the internet grown and changed since its commercial development in the 1990s? How do you expect it to change during the remainder of this decade?Think about your own internet use habits. How much do you use traditional media print and broadcast media? Why or why not? How do your own habits fit the internet media use attitudes and patterns described in this chapter?Do you believe that CX is the future of marketing? Why or why not?The assignment will meet the APA 6th edition format criteria, write a minimum of 2 full pages, and follow the structure:1. APA Title page2. Body (do not write each question, use a heading then start the text after each heading)3. Question 1 (Write a minimum of 150 words for this response)4. Question 2 (Write a minimum of 150 words for this response)5. Question 3 (Write a minimum of 150 words for this response)6. References (make sure that each reference is cited in the text)For help with all things APA, please review the following link: 

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