American Societies – Describe each civilization including their lifestyle, food, technology, and culture Ancient America

A People and a Nation by Norton, et al.

Chapter 1 Review

  1. American Societies – Describe each civilization including their lifestyle, food, technology, and culture
    1. Ancient America _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


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  1. Mesoamerican Civilizations _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


  1. Pueblos and Mississippians



  1. Aztecs



  1. North America in 1492 – Summarize each section below
    1. Gendered Division of Labor



  1. Social Organization


  1. War and Politics



  1. Religion



  1. African Societies
    1. What were the roles of the different genders in the early African societies?



  1. What role to slavery play in societies in West Africa?



  1. European Societies
    1. What were the effects of the plague and warfare on early European Societies?



  1. What impact did the moveable type printing press on early European Societies?





  1. What did early European Societies explore?



  1. Early European Explorations
    1. What lessons did Early European Explorers though their early exploration?



  1. Voyages of Columbus, Cabot, and Their Successors
    1. What 3 themes emerged from Christopher Columbus’ Journal?
      1. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
      2. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  • ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  1. What is Vinland?



  1. What is the greatest contribution of John Cabot?



  1. Spanish Exploration and Conquest
    1. Identify the following conquistadors:
      1. Hernan Cortez



  1. Francisco Pizarro



  • How did Cortez capture the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan?



  1. What is the Encomienda System?



  1. The Columbian Exchange
    1. Name 3 important products that came to the “New World” as a result of the Columbian Exchange:
      1. ______________________________________________________________
      2. ______________________________________________________________
      3. ______________________________________________________________


  1. Name 3 important products that came to the “Old World” as a result of the Columbian Exchange:
    1. ______________________________________________________________
    2. ______________________________________________________________
    3. ______________________________________________________________



  1. Europeans in North America
    1. Who were the “English Sea Dogs” __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    2. What happened at Roanoke?




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