Analyze the use of color; address how it attracts the eye of the targeted audience. How might the targeted audience interpret the color and emotionally respond?

In a 2-3-page APA formatted paper with an additional reference page (template here), analyze the strategic use of sensory visuals:

Please follow directions!!! Use headers throughout your paper to identify the different required sections.

  1. Analyze the use of color; address how it attracts the eye of the targeted audience. How might the targeted audience interpret the color and emotionally respond?
  2. Analyze the use of lines; address how it directs the eyes of the viewers. Which types of lines are used? How might the targeted audience interpret the line usage and emotionally respond?
  3. Analyze the use of contrast and balance; address how it attracts the eye of the targeted audience. How might the targeted audience emotionally respond to the visual balance and contrast? What if the contrast and balance elements were not there or were different? How would that change the viewer response?
  4. Support the items above by including relevant quotes and paraphrases from academic/scholarly sources.

IMPORTANT!! Be sure to clearly address how these four visual sensory elements attract the eyes of a specific target audience more readily than other audiences. For a thorough analysis, always consider the effect on viewers if these four visuals were used differently or not used at all.

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