As you reflect on the results of your self-assessment, do you believe you have the emotional intelligence to be a successful leader? Why or why not?

Complete the Learn: Self-Assessment: What is Your Level of Emotional Intelligence? exercise located in this week’s Learning Activities folder.

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

  • As you reflect on the results of your self-assessment, do you believe you have the emotional intelligence to be a successful leader? Why or why not?
  • Which Big Five OCEAN personality traits, intelligence components, or emotional-intelligence (EQ) components do you think will assist you in being a more inclusive leader?
  • As you think of all the ineffective leaders you have ever worked for or played on sports teams for, did they possess a common attribute that caused them to be ineffective?
  • How portable or non-portable are skills associated with being an inclusive leader?

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