Briefly respond to all the following questions. Make sure to explain and backup your responses with facts and examples. This assignment should be in APA format and have to include at least two references. Faced with the need to deliver risk ratings for your organization, you will have to substitute the organization’s risk preferences for your own. For, indeed, it is the organization’s risk tolerance that the assessment is trying to achieve, not each assessor’s personal risk preferences. 1. 1. What is the risk posture for each particular system as it contributes to the overall risk posture of the organization? 2. 2. How does each attack surface – its protections if any, in the presence (or absence) of active threat agents and their capabilities, methods, and goals through each situation—add up to a system’s particular risk posture? 3. 3. In addition, how do all the systems’ risks sum up to an organization’s computer security risk posture?

Briefly respond to all the following questions. Make sure to explain and backup your responses with facts and examples. This assignment should be in APA format and have to include at least two references.

Faced with the need to deliver risk ratings for your organization, you will have to substitute the organization’s risk preferences for your own. For, indeed, it is the organization’s risk tolerance that the assessment is trying to achieve, not each assessor’s personal risk preferences.

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  1.   1.  What is the risk posture for each particular system as it contributes to the overall risk posture of the organization?
  2.   2.  How does each attack surface – its protections if any, in the presence (or absence) of active threat agents and their capabilities, methods, and goals through each situation—add up to a system’s particular risk posture?
  3.   3.  In addition, how do all the systems’ risks sum up to an organization’s computer security risk posture?


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