Buddhism and Its Motivation.

Complete 5 pages APA formatted article: Buddhism and Its Motivation. Buddhism does not include the worshipping of a creator god, but it teaches on practical and straightforward notions. For instance, the teaching of nothing is permanent and that actions have consequences that help people to check on their activities thus transformation in individuals. In this regard, therefore, Buddhism remains relevant to all people regardless of their skin color, nationality, sexuality, or gender. In addition, the teachings of Buddhism help are helpful to all occupations. To a larger extent, the lessons help people to take full charge of their lives with the possibility of transforming for the better. The paper seeks to give a detailed analysis of the role of meditation in understanding emptiness and dependent origination. In doing this, the paper also presents a comparison of practitioners who have all used the meditation techniques inspired by Buddhism.

Meditation helps in the understanding of emptiness in Buddhism. Emptiness is one of the key teachings of Buddhism, though. it remains misunderstood. Concerning Buddhism, emptiness is not complete nothingness. In other words, emptiness in Buddhism does not mean that nothing exists at all, but rather emptiness is the true nature of things and events. In addition, emptiness also includes the true nature of the mind (Wilkinson, & Teague, 2003). In this regard, people exist but they may have or lack thoughts hence the true nature of reality. Therefore, emptiness in the realms of Buddha is the endowment of qualities of the awakened mind that can enable individual change. The qualities of wisdom, bliss, compassion, clarity, and courage are always with an individual to allow him to change and become responsible for life. Emptiness helps people understand why they go through suffering. In this regard, emptiness teaches people that there is no permanent situation and that an individual has power over what happens in life. In addition, emptiness emphasizes the fact that nothing exists on its own and that all things are dependent on their parts.

Meditation remains to play a number of functions both in history and concerning Buddhism. For instance, meditation helps in mental and physical growth and stability.

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