By Day 1 of Week 1, students will be assigned one stakeholder from the list below for this discussion. Provider of careHealth data analystAdministrationThe public at largeRead The role of analyzing h2022-06-16 Answers

By Day 1 of Week 1, students will be assigned one stakeholder from the list below for this discussion. Provider of careHealth data analystAdministrationThe public at largeRead The role of analyzing healthcare data (Links to an external site.) and Developing dashboards for performance management (Links to an external site.) from your assigned reading and consider the various stakeholders in the process of turning raw data into meaningful information for making decisions and ultimately, improving patient care. In your initial response, respond to the following questions:For the stakeholder assigned to you, include the following information:Articulate at least three education and/or experience requirements for a healthcare data analyst.Your initial post should be 250 to 300 words.Guided Response: After reading your fellow classmates posts, compare and contrast your assigned stakeholder with two classmates’ posts of the other stakeholders, by Day 7. Do you agree or disagree with the information posted? Why or why not? Your three required posts must be on three different days of the week.I was assigned to do Administration G31

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