Compare and contrast George Herbert Mead’s and Charles Horton Cooley’s theories of human development. Why are these theories part of the symbolic interactionist paradigm?

Due December 17 at 11:59 PM

In this third week, we are discussing the human socialization process and how it influences our psychosocial development. After you have read the reading assignment and lecture for the week, please respond to all parts of the discussion by the due date assigned:

  • Compare and contrast George Herbert Mead’s and Charles Horton Cooley’s theories of human development. Why are these theories part of the symbolic interactionist paradigm?
  • List and describe the key agents of socialization. How did each agent shape and influence your life? Which of these agents has been the most important in your life?
  • Look in the South University Online library and the Internet for information on “Feral Children.” Define feral children and explain why sociologists use feral children to support their arguments on the importance of socialization.
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