compile the elements (measurement, ownership, communication, change management, and workload) ****( see attached paper)**** into a presentation that you would present to the stakeholders of your propo2022-07-12 Answers

compile the elements (measurement, ownership, communication, change management, and workload) ****( see attached paper)**** into a presentation that you would present to the stakeholders of your proposed quality and/or safety sustainability program.Develop a PowerPoint presentation (10-15 slides) to present your final sustainability plan. Create speaker notes of 100-250 words for each slide.  include introduction and reference slide in the (10-15)Include the following:Describe one or two measures that are critical to the sustainability of your proposed quality and/or safety sustainability program and decide on the data collection and monitoring process. Additionally, discuss whether you will reduce or eliminate the frequency of specific measurements.Describe a measurement threshold that will trigger an investigation.Describe the owner of the improvement process who authorizes changes and will be responsible for sustaining improvement.Outline a communication and training plan for improvements and learning. Consider who needs to know what, when, and how often they need to know it, what communication method would work best, and who the best person is for initiating communication or sharing information.Identify a change management theory that you will use to standardize the process to support the improved process.Explain how the proposed changes will affect staff workload. Ideally, the improvement has removed work and made people’s jobs easier and more efficient. Changes that decrease workload have a higher chance of success over time.

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