Complete 2 pages APA formatted article: Purposal.

Complete 2 pages APA formatted article: Purposal. I am an international and have a bachelor’s degree in pharmaceutical science but for my masters I pursued a degree in HR from the US. Leadership and having an integral understanding of the diverse needs of individuals is a primary requirement for a pharmacist. Hence my work wasn’t just dispensing drugs prescribed by physicians, along with informing patients about its usage and side effects but also to understand their lifestyle, eating habits and work background thoroughly in order to inform them better. However as my experience in the health care profession grew I came to the realization that there was a significant lack of the application of leadership thinking and development of employee skill. This aspect combined with my thirst for learning new principles and theories which would be applicable to my organization and update my knowledge in leadership. Based on these goals to enhance my leadership skills I have chosen to do a master program in HR and Change Leadership as a strategic move which would allow me to improve the health service and explore ways that would aid health care employees perform superiorly. How this leadership doctoral program helps to meet my needs is in the way it’s not just a distinctive degree program but also it focuses on the application of theory to real life situations. This would facilitate my leadership and educational goals in the way I can tackle various challenges at work with solutions based on an understanding of leadership and organizational theory. Furthermore the course fulfills my need in the way it enables me to maintain a reasonable work-life balance and thoroughly examine various aspects of the healthcare industry and how leadership can be used as a strategic tool to bring about accelerated social, cultural, administrative and technological change in the field.

There are numerous learning aspects as far as this course goes, that contribute to my healthcare profession. Firstly due to the process of preparing for the numerous assigned HR readings and interacting with my peers and learning from their work experiences in diverse backgrounds has been a great help. From the basic elements which have molded my perception towards the critical role that Human Resource plays in the success and future of an organization. This field has facilitated not just my ability to be innovative and creative professionally but also helped me gain more experience and insight into the health care field. Through active participation in group discussions I have learnt how various individuals have different perspectives to similar situations and how understanding each one is equally vital. It is through the numerous class activities that my ability to be a more effective leader has been enriched. Not only have I learnt to share my opinions with others, but also be confident in formulating different ideas, processing a number of theories and models, but also incorporating the aspect of approaching a problem creatively. These activities have added value to my skill set and given me the confidence and knowledge essential to lead my organization successfully from its current state to a more developed progressive future state.

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