complete the term project, which is a research proposal written in an APA Style

The project should have at least 1000-words of substance not counting the cover and re

Each student will be required to complete the term project, which is a research proposal written in an APA Style. The project should have at least 1000-words of substance not counting the cover and reference page. Please include a Cover Page, an abstract and a list of references. The research proposal you write in this course will NOT be sent to the IRB for approval. This is because you will not be conducting actual research for the purposes of this class. You will however gain an insight as to how to write a research proposal.

Each student will be required to complete a research proposal, as the term project. The research proposal will include the following:

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The assignment is on ( Florida Academy Instructors Lived Experiences: Effectiveness: of Officer Training for Response to Active Shooter)

  • Title page
  • Abstract (100-120 words)
  • Introduction
  • Hypothesis/Problem Statement/Purpose Statement
  • Literature Review and Definitions included in research
  • Research methods/design
  • References
  • Appendices – as needed (annotated bibliography, example consent form, example survey if used)

The research proposal (Term Project) must be in a Word Document (.doc) uploaded to the student’s folder through the assignment section. Students will be required to use at least five scholarly references in their work.

Students are required to follow APA Style guidelines.

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