Compose a 1250 words assignment on analysis of advanced persistent threat 1 released by the mandiant company

Founded in the year 2004, Mandiant is regarded as one of the leading cybersecurity companies engaged in investing various types of computer security breaches across the organizations located in different parts of the world. Since its inception, the cybersecurity firm is committed to providing vital support by safeguarding each system-related information and data, and it helps organizations to carry out an evidence-based investigation process to perceive appropriate results about any type of security breaches in the organizations. According to a brief understanding of the current operational process, the cybersecurity mechanism of Mandiant includes safeguarding confidential product plans, and theft of vendor and client contract-related information, along with a customer database and financial assets of the organizations irrespective of dissimilar commercial fields. In addition, the cybersecurity structure of Mandiant also deals with organizational secrets and is responsible to protect them from uncertain security breach related issues (Mandiant, A FireEye Company, 2015).

Although Mandiant garnered its strong position through protecting the commercial credentials of the global organizations, the company has gained world recognition by its investigation of cybersecurity breach made by APT. According to the APT1 report of the organization, Mandiant has critically distinguished various APT&nbsp.groups along with their issues associated with the breaching cybersecurity of more than 141 US-based and globally renowned organizations. The APT1 in the Mandiant’s report referred APT groups in the cybersecurity-related issues. The APT1 report of the company is released with an aim of generating major awareness about the threat of cybersecurity breaching and the degree to which it can create security risks on the nations and the global economic condition as well (Rid, 2013).&nbsp.In addition, the report has also critically summarized the actual process along with tools, tactics, and procedures (TTP) that enabled APT1 to steal successfully the confidential information and intellectual property of different privately and publicly held foreign organizations.&nbsp.

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