Compose a 1250 words assignment on tegan and hrad technika case study.

Compose a 1250 words assignment on tegan and hrad technika case study. Needs to be plagiarism free! Thus, the only viable solution was to outsource the project to a third party having all the necessary expertise and resources to complete it in time.&nbsp.Thus, the only viable solution was to outsource the project to a third party having all the necessary expertise and resources to complete it in time.&nbsp.The next issue was of the small budget allocated for the completion of the project. The outsourcing was finalized based on the lowest bid available and not on the qualities and expertise of the IT firm. What are the trade-offs involved in having the requirement analysis for a project performed by one of the firms that would ultimately bid on the project?&nbsp. Answer:&nbsp. Djavanshir studied the impact of IT outsourcing and argued that there are a high complexity and risk factor involved in the completion of IT outsourcing projects (32). Therefore, the businesses have to keep into consideration the possibility that the outsourcing firm may withdraw from the deal at the eleventh hour or default. In both scenarios, the business losses all its investments in the project as well as the time.&nbsp. Tegan’s management considered this aspect and undertook an act of analyzing the requirements with the same firm that was likely to bid for the project. The primary trade-off of undertaking this activity was the assessment and assurance that the firm will undertake the project within the desired time frame. Hrad Technika’s team was well aware of the requirements of the project as they had developed the entire document for the bidding process. They understood the underlying problem and therefore, required less time and resources to finalize the project. This way the risk of firm’s default in performing the task was also substantially minimized.&nbsp.

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