Compose a 1250 words assignment on the king of rock ‘n roll and the story of his downfall.

Compose a 1250 words assignment on the king of rock ‘n roll and the story of his downfall. Needs to be plagiarism free! The beginning of Elvis Presley showed a clear disposition of a marvelous musical artist, in the later part of his career, he is to be remembered more as an artist who used to manipulate his innovative disposition to draw cheap popularity than an artist with the excellence of Performance. An in-depth analysis of his ride to the peak of his career sufficiently envisages his downfall at the end. It is significant to note that Elvis began his career as an acoustic artist. After several failed attempts Elvis became successful to pocket the desired popularity with the release of his single “Blue Moon of Kentucky” in 1954. But the popularity winning trend is significantly visible in his later performances. He dared to innovate showmanship with his acoustic performance that was targeted to draw the youngster. Unlike other artists of the 40’s he “brought sex on stage, with his pelvic gyrations and dance steps that shocked and titillated youngsters while horrifying their parents” (Dave).

Now the question that confronts here is why Elvis ‘with the appalling lack of musicality, as the US society of the 1950s alleged, continued reaching the peak of popularity. It must be taken into concern that in the eye of the critics of the 1950’s US society Elvis’s suggestive showmanship was obscene enough to be characterized as the “appalling lack of musicality”. But the reality was that ‘sex in art’ and the excellence of his performance was so intertwined that none of them can be detached from the other. As a result, the Elvis was quite successful to accumulate a heap of popularity that made him careless enough to keep an eye on the quality of his performance.

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