Compose a 1250 words assignment on the proposed network architecture of entex insurance company.

Compose a 1250 words assignment on the proposed network architecture of entex insurance company. Needs to be plagiarism free! There are several improvements that have been realized in the world of networking that has made communication not only easier but also quicker and more efficient. These developments have revolutionized the operations of different companies and made the world more or less like a global village.

Network systems have significantly evolved over time. In the past, the connection between different computers relied on unsecured and slow technologies which created data redundancy and thus lowering the integrity of the network. The security of the networks was also low and therefore there existed various instances of malpractices and internet crimes that affected effective communication within the networks.

An efficient network system should be able to provide remote communication within the computers connected to it while maintaining a secure networking environment. With the rising cases of internet crimes, network structures should also contain the necessary security optimizing elements. Users of ideal systems should also be given relevant information access priorities and permissions.

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Entex Insurance is among the companies which depend on efficient communication to function properly. Being a company with headquarter located in Denver and other four branches located in the other 4 U.S states, the transmission of information between the branches and headquarter need to be made efficient, secure, and reliable. The network to be adopted should be able to contain up to 500 users without compromising on the quality of communication. This calls for a need to design a stable network that is able to perform the relevant communication task.

The proposed design for the network system architecture provides a platform where information can easily be passed between different computers while providing a strict way to monitor and control the information being shared. The networking component is strategically placed at strategic points with ideal interconnection such that the headquarters are able to generate log files of the information requests by various branches directly from the server.

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