Consider Derek Parfit’s example of teletransportation. Y

Marya Schechtman: Experience, Agency, and Personal Identity
Answer the questions in 3-4 sentences at minimum but you may write more than that if you choose to. Your answers will be graded based on how well you understood the text, how well you articulated yourself, and good spelling, grammar, and style.
1. Consider Derek Parfit’s example of teletransportation. You step into a booth that will create an identical replica of you on another planet, in three days you will die. The replica retains all your qualities of consciousness and assures you it will pick up life where you leave off. Do you believe that your body is simply travelling to another planet where your life will continue or is it death with replacement by an imposter? Explain your answer.
2. What does a psychological continuity theorist take to be important for personal identity?
3. Consider the case of a person who is brain-dead. There is no activity in their brain. Do you think this person retains their personal identity or is it lost? Explain your answer.

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