create a PowerPoint presentation for expectant fathers on what to expect during pregnancy and childbirth. For example, what changes can the father expect in his partner? What changes does the baby undergo during each trimester?

ASSIGNMENT 2: Presentation (Chapter 2)

8 points

Using research throughout Chapter 2, create a PowerPoint presentation for expectant fathers on what to expect during pregnancy and childbirth. For example, what changes can the father expect in his partner? What changes does the baby undergo during each trimester? Why are health and nutrition so important during pregnancy? What will the newborn look like? How can the father support the mother during pregnancy and childbirth, and why is social support important for both mother and baby?

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NOTE: Your presentation should be created in PowerPoint and attached as a file in the DB. Don’t forget to include a title page with your name and the name of the presentation and a reference page. Your presentation should be between 7 to 10 slides (excluding your title page and reference page). Please number your pages.

ASSIGNMENT 1: Minute Paper (Chapter 3)

2 points

Minute Paper—Write one paragraph about the most surprising and important thing(s) you learned after reading Chapter 3 (please indicate page #s).  Tell me exactly what made it surprising and why it seemed important to you.

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