Create a thesis and an outline on Properties and Applications of Ceramics, Fibres and Plastic. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. The basic arrangement of these crystals and the presence of impurities determine the resulting material. The final product has slightly different characteristics.

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Properties and Applications of Ceramics, Fibres and Plastic. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. The basic arrangement of these crystals and the presence of impurities determine the resulting material. The final product has slightly different characteristics.

Properties: They are stiff, strong and hard in properties. They are resistant to scratches. Ceramics attracts fluids on their surface as they have low frictional resistance. The main disadvantage of medical ceramic materials is that they are fragile. They are resistant to heat. They are able to stand the heat and retain their shape when subjected to intense heat. However, when the limit of stress exceeds, the ceramic material bursts and explodes into many splinters.

This is made up of small crystals of aluminum oxide. The impurities within alumina ceramic are less than 0.5% in the material’s volume. The modern ceramic crystals of the aluminum oxide are relatively tiny and densely packed together. This type of close packing of aluminum oxide crystals is achieved by applying Hot Is-static Pressure. The ceramic component is re-heated and then subjected to intense symmetric pressures.

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Most ceramics today are tough and hard. The final product’s strength is dependent on the size of the crystals. The smaller the crystals the purer the materials tend to be. The impurities make the ceramics weak and prone to fracture cracks. The coarse structure and the impurities are the cause of the frequent fractures in the old ceramic components.

The modern Alumina ceramic balls are extremely tough in their structure. They are tougher than the metallic stem on which they based. Alumina ceramic ball has the ability to sustain 60 times the weight of the average patient. This is one big reason why it is often used in hospitals.

Composition: This is made through coarse aluminum oxide crystals and clay i.e. silica oxide mixed together and heated on fire. They make the bases of commercial ceramic materials, for instance, the china cups.

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