Create one progressive disciplinary policy for one disciplinary problem. The policy must focus on correcting the problem in two ways: By impressing on the employee the seriousness of repeated rule infractions.

question 1:

Provide an example of a company that has done a complete turnaround.

  • Explain whether the turnaround has been effective and whether it has improved the company’s profitability.

question 2:

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  • Create one progressive disciplinary policy for one disciplinary problem. The policy must focus on correcting the problem in two ways:
    • By impressing on the employee the seriousness of repeated rule infractions.
    • By providing the employee with opportunities to correct his or her behavior, before applying the ultimate penalty of discharge.
      • For example: tardiness, unauthorized absence, sleeping on duty, gambling during working hours, discourteous conduct, failure to observe safety rules, or failure to report an accident.
  • Provide the rationale for your policy.

For assistance, review your organization’s employee handbook or reach out to your HR team for insight into their progressive discipline policy. If you are not currently with an organization, search for an employee handbook on the Internet.

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