Define and describe IaaS. Define and describe system redundancy. Discuss how you might use IaaS to implement a redundancy plan.

Select from the following list four (4) topics and discuss.  Use only 50-words max per topic to discuss and present your answer.

The discussion questions this week are from Chapter’s 3-5  (Jamsa, 2013). Chapter 3 topics:

  • Define and describe PaaS.
  • List the benefits of PaaS solutions.
  • Describe potential disadvantages of PaaS.
  • Describe how a cloud-based database management system differs from an on-site database.
  • List the computing resources normally provided with a PaaS.

Chapter 4 topics:

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  • Define and describe IaaS.
  • Define and describe system redundancy. Discuss how you might use IaaS to implement a redundancy plan.
  • Define and describe load balancing. Discuss how you might use IaaS to implement load balancing.
  • Define and describe NAS. Assume you must implement a shared file system within the cloud. What company would you select? Why? What costs should your client expect to pay for cloud-based data on a gigabyte (GB) basis?
  • Define and describe colocation. Discuss how you might use IaaS to implement colocation.
  • Compare and contrast a cloud-based disk storage device (with a file system) with a cloud based database.
  • Compare and contrast physical, dedicated virtual, and shared virtual servers. Search the web for companies that provide each. What cost should a customer expect to pay for each?

Chapter 5 topics:

  • Define and describe SSO.
  • Define and describe IDaaS.
  • Define SAML and describe its purpose.
  • Define and describe provisioning.
  • Define and describe FIDM.
  • List factors that make mobile ID management difficult.

Note: You are required to use at least two-peer reviewed sources (besides your textbook) to answer the above questions.

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