Describe what you view to be the strengths and weaknesses of your group. What strategies can you implement to assist the group process? Implement one of these strategies and be prepared to reflect on your experience in Week 9.

Assignment 2: Assessing Group Process 3

A large part of being a social worker is being able to see the strengths in any situation. This characteristic can be described as having a “half full” view on life. As a clinical social worker, it is important to cultivate strength-based skills.

By now, your group should have developed a plan in completing the Group Wiki Project. In your Assignment, reflect on your group’s process in establishing the group structure (effectiveness of communication), and contracting assignments as you have chosen the family intervention and developed the literature review.

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Provide a 600-word paper.

Describe what you view to be the strengths and weaknesses of your group. What strategies can you implement to assist the group process? Implement one of these strategies and be prepared to reflect on your experience in Week 9.

Group Process Assignments should integrate course concepts related to group process. Assignments should demonstrate critical thought when applying course material to your group experience. Support ideas in your Assignment with APA citations from this week’s required resources

Must contain at least 4 references and citations from the following materials:

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