Design sizing for ashort range aircraft

Market Research/Survey of competing aircraft designs of similar range and Pax (Hint:
Consult resources such as Jenkinson’s book, Raymers’ book, Sadraey’s book, Jane’s All the
World’s Aircraft, company online resources, Wiki pages of competing designs etc)
• You can also conduct a Market forecast of future technologies to help you decide your initial
• Show a range of concepts and perform down-selection to your initial concept (include all
sketches, selection matrix) → 3 or 4 concepts is sufficient.
• Include main characteristics e.g. fuselage type, wing shape (swept?, low/high/medium?),
engine type (turbofan, turboprop), number of engines (1, 2, 3, 4…) and location (on/below
wing, aft fuselage?), type of tail assembly (including any specific control surfaces), landing
gear type, with brief explanation.
• Any particular new design features you want to have? Be creative.
• Based on data gathered from competing aircraft and any simple initial sizing approaches (e.g.
see lecture notes, text books), work out and list the main design values for your initial concept
e.g. MTOW, fuselage size (length, diameter), rough engine size, wing loading W/S, thrust to
weight ratio T/W, operating empty weight WOE, Wing size (area, span, AR), control surfaces
size, fuel weight/MTOW, cruise M number, etc
• Initial General Arrangement (standard 3-view) for your chosen initial concept
(drawn to scale based on your initial sizing).
There is no expectation for you to produce an initial cabin layout.

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