Discuss all the factors that contributed to the growth of the private security industry, especially the commercial sector. Be specific and use examples to support your answer.Discuss and predict what2022-06-12 03:35:38GraduateWriterhelp.com Answers

Discuss all the factors that contributed to the growth of the private security industry, especially the commercial sector. Be specific and use examples to support your answer.Discuss and predict what you believe the impetus will be for the growth of private security the next 10 years.Conduct an internet search to locate a successful contract security company in your region or your hometown. Give at least four reasons for the secret to their success. If you were going to start your own contract security company, what would your mission and company values be? Your answer should be detailed and specific.Technical RequirementsYour paper must be at a minimum of 2-3 pages (the Title and Reference pages do not count towards the minimum limit).2 scholarly sources per page of content.Type in Times New Roman, 12 point and double space.

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