discuss the importance of cyber security as new technology is introduced.  Include in your discussion topics such as the basics of cyber security that impact the accounting profession, how you see the role of accountants changing as cyber security becomes more important and what new technology you found that will enhance cyber security.  

Discussion 2



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· All posts (both initial and responses) must be substantial (several paragraphs each) and each of your initial posts must be supported by 3 peer reviewed or authoritative sources, not including the textbook, cited properly in APA format.




Cybersecurity: Crash Course Computer Science #31


Review the video and using the library or other authoritative sources, discuss the importance of cyber security as new technology is introduced.  Include in your discussion topics such as the basics of cyber security that impact the accounting profession, how you see the role of accountants changing as cyber security becomes more important and what new technology you found that will enhance cyber security.

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