discussion board Using the internet or your phone, listen to the following songs: “One” by Metallica”Smells Like Teen Spirit” by Nirvana”Paranoid Android” by RadioheadAfter listening to the above son2022-06-24 23:15:40GraduateWriterhelp.com Answers

discussion board Using the internet or your phone, listen to the following songs:”One” by Metallica”Smells Like Teen Spirit” by Nirvana”Paranoid Android” by RadioheadAfter listening to the above songs, answer the following questions in your discussion post:What musical influences do you hear in each of these songs and how would you categorize each of them in a genre? (grunge, heavy metal, rock?)Listen carefully to the lyrics and share a few sentences as to what each of these songs is about. Thematically they are similar and project a sense of aloneness and cynicism, but what topics do they address? What was happening in American culture during this time that might have contributed to these feelings as expressed in these songs? Could it be a generational (Baby Boomers v. Generation X) reaction? Or do you think this is something else entirely.

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