Discussion: Ethical Aspects of Leadership Before taking part in the discussion, review the following resources: 1. Changing the Deal While Keeping the People (From OL 670) 2. Moral Leadership i2022-06-12 01:17:53GraduateWriterhelp.com Answers

Discussion: Ethical Aspects of Leadership Before taking part in the discussion, review the following resources:1.    Changing the Deal While Keeping the People (From OL 670)2.    Moral Leadership in Business (From OL 670)3.    Davids: Leadership Without Ego VideoThe first two articles will be a review from your previous coursework; however, you will now consider them within the context of the Nike case study.Pay particular attention to any recommendations that you would make to Nike, based on your observations.As part of a class discussion, answer the following question:How do the leaders at Nike use “moral leadership” to build a new psychological contract with global partners?

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