Discussion Question #1: How do you describe the importance of data in analytics? Can we think about analytics without data? Explain. Discussion Question #2: Considering the new and broad definition of business analytics, what are the main inputs and outputs to analytics continuum?

Discussion Question #1: How do you describe the importance of data in analytics? Can we think about analytics without data? Explain.

Discussion Question #2: Considering the new and broad definition of business analytics, what are the main inputs and outputs to analytics continuum?

Discussion Question #3: Where do the data for business analytics come from? What are the sources and nature of those incoming data?

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Discussion Question #4: What are the most common metrics that make for analytics-ready data?

Exercise #12:

Go to data.gov – a US government-sponsored data portal that has a very large number of data sets on a wide variety of topics ranging from healthcare to education, climate to public safety. Pick a topic that you are most passionate about. Go through the topic-specific information and explanation provided on the site. Explore the possibilities of downloading the data and use your favorite data visualization tool to create your own meaningful information and visualiza

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