Find a current research article (published within the last 4 years) on the topic of Construction Cost and Prices indices in Britain (Chapter 5 Word Document – Attached). Write a two-page analysis of the article using at least two other peer-reviewed sources to support your analysis/discussion.

Find a current research article (published within the last 4 years) on the topic of Construction Cost and Prices indices in Britain (Chapter 5 Word Document – Attached).

Write a two-page analysis of the article using at least two other peer-reviewed sources to support your analysis/discussion. You must have a title page, abstract page (minimum of 150 words), two full pages of text, and a reference page (3 References **Minimum) for this weekly assignment. References used must be in the U.S. APA format is required. No Plagiarism. Need this done by January 24, 2021, @ 1900 Central Time zone.

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