For this assignment, you will research a group/culture that you are unfamiliar with.  You will need to use concepts learned throughout the course. 

Diversity Research Paper


For this assignment, you will research a group/culture that you are unfamiliar with.  You will need to use concepts learned throughout the course.  You will need a minimum of 10 credible sources.  The research paper must be approximately 8 – 10 pages in length (title page and references not included), 12 font (Arial), double spaced, and written in APA (or MLA).  Your analysis should include but not limited to:

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  • What is the cultural history/background of the group? Remember, you are introducing the group to your audience.


  • What are some common experiences this group shares?


  • What are potential biases or stereotypes of this group? Who holds these particular stereotypes?  How can these stereotypes affect workplace diversity and inclusion?


  • In the last five years, discuss the demographic shifts with this group. What are the current issues and trends with this group?  Describe how these issues inform and influence the workplace in regard to diversity and inclusion?


  • Identify potential discriminatory policies that would affect this group?  Provide alternative policies to would be inclusive to the group.


  • Describe potential “dos and don’ts” when leading or working with individuals from this group.


  • What insights does your analysis provide those in leadership roles on how to create a more inclusive workplace?


  • In your conclusion, provide a summary of what you learned from this assignment and how did it change or strengthen your views of the group.




Essay will be graded as follows:


10 – 9           Excellent paper is well written, clearly answers the items for the assignment.


9 – 8            Good paper but has errors in the writing.


8 – 7            Fine job but has writing errors and there are some issues with the analysis.


7 – 3              Poor job that does not show pride in work or that time and effort was spent.


2 – 1              Turned in something but does not meet the requirements at all


0                  Missing




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