For this assignment, you will take on the role of a human services provider for your local community. Your manager has been tasked with providing in-service training to a group of 20 police and correc2022-07-15 Answers

For this assignment, you will take on the role of a human services provider for your local community. Your manager has been tasked with providing in-service training to a group of 20 police and correctional officers.Create a 13- to 18-slide PowerPoint presentation with detailed speaker notes. Ensure that you present 2 different felonies of your choice, analyze each crime from a biological perspective and a psychological perspective, and conclude which perspective provides a better explanation of the criminal behavior.Cite at least 2 resources and include the following:Introduction slide (1 slide)Analysis of first crime (5–7 slides)Biological perspectivePsychological perspectiveComparison of those 2 perspectivesWhich perspective provides a better explanation in your opinionRelevance to police and correctional officersAnalysis of second crime (5–7 slides)Biological perspectivePsychological perspectiveComparison of those 2 perspectivesWhich perspective provides a better explanation in your opinionRelevance to police and correctional officersConclusion or summary slide with a focus on what is important for police and correctional officers (1–2 slides)Reference slide (1 slide)

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