Hello! This is the Journal prompt that I need help with. It needs to be 500 words with a cited source, the textbook being used is Barlow, D. & Durand, V. (2018) Abnormal Psychology: An Integrative2022-06-18 17:29:31GraduateWriterhelp.com Answers

Hello! This is the Journal prompt that I need help with. It needs to be 500 words with a cited source, the textbook being used is Barlow, D. & Durand, V. (2018) Abnormal Psychology: An Integrative Approach, 8th Edition. Boston, MA: Cengage Learning ISBN-13: 9781337514040. Prompt:If you were a psychologist, would there be cases that were discussed in the textbook, that you would not feel comfortable working with? Explore the code of ethics under www.apa.org (Links to an external site.), what would be your responsibility in that circumstance?A case that I would not be comfortable working with is a client who has frotteuristic disorder. Thank you!

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