How material values influence our relationships with other

Answer the questions below. If you use ideas from the textbook or another resource, be sure to give credit to the author! Include the name of the author, title
of the resource, and publication date (if available) underneath the section where you used the information.
The proper APA style reference for our textbook is: Enger & Smith. (2022). Environmental science: A study of interrelationships (16th ed.). McGraw-Hill.
How are the products and resources we consume actually produced?
What are the impacts of that process of production on the environment, on society, and on individuals?
What are the impacts of certain forms of consumption on the environment, on society, and on individuals?
What is a necessity and what is a luxury?
Businesses and advertisers are major engines in promoting the consumption of products so that they may survive. How much of what we consume is
influenced by their needs versus our needs?
How do material values influence our relationships with other

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