I Need Help in Brief plan of action for executing experimental design: Study schools that have a consistent, foundational mathematical literacy program and see how they use their explicit vocabulary instruction to build upon each grade levels mathematical instruction.2022-06-24 03:52:53

Problem statement: Mathematical literacy, or the lack thereof, is a problem plaguing our students. Students need to learn the value of mathematical literacy and how to talk about math in ways that empower them to be confident. Most students are taught the way one teacher teaches and then their next teacher uses different vocabulary so that the student becomes confused about which vocabulary to use (an example is greater than/less than and the alligator mouth or the diamond shape versus the rhombus). When students are taught correct foundational vocabulary consistently they will be better prepared for each grade level they encounter.
Best practice used to address your problem: explicit teaching of math vocabulary (word walls), schema (prior knowledge/making connections), use of pictures/drawings/visuals, giving students an answer and allowing them to write a problem, and collaboration among classmates.
Hypothesis: When students are taught correct foundational vocabulary consistently they will be better prepared for each grade level they encounter.
Study Population: elementary/middle schools
Variables (independent and dependent): students, schools, teachers, math curriculum
Brief plan of action for executing experimental design: Study schools that have a consistent, foundational mathematical literacy program and see how they use their explicit vocabulary instruction to build upon each grade levels mathematical instruction.

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