I Need Help in Discuss some of the best ideas the author has for using nonfiction in teaching.2022-05-27 07:51:18

Within the essay, address each of the prompts below for each of the three articles you selected.
1. Identify and cite the selected article
2. Highlight what the author says about nonfiction or how they portray nonfiction in the article. What is their argument?
3. What, if any, books/texts do they use as an example?
4. Discuss some of the best ideas the author has for using nonfiction in teaching.
5. Identify a single quote (or two) that sums up the authors main point and approach to nonfiction.
6. What is your response to this authors idea or approach?
7. Include one takeaway or resource (an idea, a link, a text, an organization, etc.) suggested by the article that preservice teachers should have.

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