I Need Help in Pamphlet on Neurological Disorder known as Peripheral Neuropathy caused by Agent Orange.2022-05-23 23:57:23

Pamphlet on Neurological Disorder known as Peripheral Neuropathy caused by Agent Orange. Agent Orange was a powerful herbicide used by the U.S military forces during the Vietnam War to eliminate forest cover and crops for the Vietnamese Cong troops. The U.S. sprayed more than 20 million gallons of various herbicides over Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos from 1961-1971. Veterans Affair presumes Veteran’s early-onset peripheral neuropathy is related to their exposure to Agent Orange or other herbicides during service when the disease appears within one year of exposure. I currently work at the VA (Veterans Affair) in the Oncology and Hematology department, I work with disabled Vets that have come into contact with Agent Orange and would like to research more about this disorder, I would like to help educate others and become a advocate to our Veterans and help get them the proper care and benefits they need.

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