I Need Help in To frame the context for this assignment, consider the following statement as the basis of the project: “There is evidence that researchers using CIT are now asking participants to reflect upon and write down the meaning of critical incidents, not just discuss them in a research interview” (From the Canadian Journal of Counseling by Butterfield et al., 2005, p. 489).2022-07-15 12:56:57

This CIT Interview Techniques assignment includes two parts: a critical incident interview (due in Topic 7), and a summary report (due in Topic 8). The first part are steps 1-3 in the CIT process, and the second part represents steps 4-5 in the CIT process.To frame the context for this assignment, consider the following statement as the basis of the project: “There is evidence that researchers using CIT are now asking participants to reflect upon and write down the meaning of critical incidents, not just discuss them in a research interview” (From the Canadian Journal of Counseling by Butterfield et al., 2005, p. 489).

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